What Type Of Plastic In Water Bottles?- All You Need To Know About It

Type of plastic in water bottles

Plastic is everywhere, but so is plastic pollution. Over time, plastics break down into microplastics (tiny particles smaller than a sesame seed) and even tinier nanoplastics (invisible to the naked eye). Water companies focus on making their packaging look good while keeping costs low. That’s why plastic bottles are so common. But the real problem … Read more

How Do Double Walled Stainless Steel Water Bottles Work?

How do double walled stainless steel water bottle work

Okay, so you’re becoming surprised every day using double-wall stainless steel water bottles and wondering how these bottles do the magic! How do double walled stainless steel water bottles work? Well, there’s no magic spell, it’s all about science. In this article, we’ll clarify how double-walled bottles work, how they differ from single-wall water bottles, … Read more

Is Reusable Water Bottle More Eco Friendly?- Know The Facts!

is reusable water bottle more eco friendly

Yes, reusable water bottles are more eco-friendly when used consistently. They’ve become a popular choice because they help reduce plastic waste, save money, and offer long-lasting durability. However, you may be confused regarding the best reusable material option and how much environmental impact these bottles actually have. This article will clear up any confusion from … Read more